Brendan is fun to listen to sometimes. Some of the things I can do without, like words he has heard and learned to say. Nathan comes home everyday and is just so amazed at the conversations he will have. When we sit down to do spelling words with Chase, Brendan thinks he has to repeat the word for Chase. Drives his brother crazy.
Their relationship as brothers can be good and bad. When Brendan was younger I warned Chase about being mean to him. Let's say he did not always listen. Well, now Brendan can dish it right back out and Chase does not like that one bit. Brendan can be a mean little boy if he wants to be. The other day Ms. Linda took him to McDonalds and this little boy took his toy and was playing with it on the slide. He would not give it back so Brendan balled his fist and punched the boy. Ms. Linda told him no and asked why he did it. That is when she found out that the boy had taken his toy. She still tried to tell him to use his words, but I think deep down she was understanding about the punch.
One thing about Brendan is he loves to run around naked. Any chance he gets he is in his birthday suit. If we would let him go outside and play that way, I think he would.
I look forward to see what kind of men they both turn out to be.
Brendan at Independence Baptist Church for Poppy's last day as Pastor.
Look at that cute smile.
Oops! Chase caught Brendan in his birthday suit.
Lipstick Daddy! Don't I look good....
Brendan in Daddy's yard work gear.
I look HOT in Daddy's sunglasses don't I.
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