Monday, September 27, 2010

Welcome to the 1st Addition....

Hello Family and Friends!  Nathan and I (maybe just I) have decided to create a family blog so that you can all keep up with what is happening in our lives out here in Burton Texas.

Well just to get you up to speed.  Nathan and I have been married now for 10 years.  We have two beautiful boys (yes I say beautiful).  Chase who is 7yrs old and in the 2nd grade and Brendan who is 3yrs old.  We also have a new bundle of joy on the way.  We hear it is a girl. :-)

We have lived in Burton Texas for about 7 to 8 years.  We enjoy it out here.  Nathan is still an electrician and has been working for Langhammer Electric for approx. 5 yrs (maybe).  I am a Jewelry Lady who loves getting paid to party and eat brownies.  It is a lot of fun.  I also have a part-time job at the Brenham Community Education Center.  I work with the ESL and GED department.  I enjoy my time there and working with great christian women.  

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